Za Eko taxi vozim već dvije godine, nakon uredskog posla i dosadne rutine, vratio sam se automobilima, svojoj najvećoj ljubavi. Još kao dječak odvajao sam novac od džeparca za igračke automobila, a u tinejdžerskoj dobi odvajao sam za pravi automobil. Život me kasnije odveo na druge staze, one birokratske s ustaljenim radnim vremenom. Počelo me zamarati to što boravim u uredu osam sati dnevno i gledam iste kadrove i komuniciram s istim ljudima. Došlo je vrijeme za promjenu i otvorena pozicija vozača u Eko taxiju, bila je znak da je to radno mjesto koje želim.
Praznik rada u automobilu
Zvuči nevjerojatno, ali najbolja iskustva imao sam vozeći 1. svibnja, na poznati praznik rada. I dok svi odmaraju i roštiljaju, ja sam u automobilu i vozim ljude na njihove željene destinacije. Uglavnom na Bundek, Jarun i okolne parkove. Oni se mogu opustiti i ne moraju brinuti kako će negdje stići ili vratiti se kući, a ja zauzvrat upoznajem zanimljive ljude i čujem njihove dogodovštine. Uvijek dobro prolaze fore mogu li platiti jednim odreskom s roštilja. Atmosfera je opuštena, a na kraju me stvarno žele počastiti mesom s roštilja i kolačima. Prošle godine su mi dvije djevojke uistinu i donijele kolač zato što sam ih ja vozio na Bundek, a kasnije s njega i vraćao. To su sitnice koje ovaj posao čine posebnim.
Ne mogu se svi pohvaliti da voze 'svoj ured' i da u svakom trenu mogu upoznati nove ljude i čuti nešto zanimljivo. I ove godine se veselim upravo vožnjama za '1.maj' jer su za razliku od onih svakodnevnih i užurbanih, ove posebno zanimljive i ugodne.
I've been working for Eko taxi for two years when I came back to cars, my greatest love after office work and boring routines. As a boy I have spent my pocket money for toy cars, and in the teenage years I have been saving my money for my own real car. Life later took me to other paths, one bureaucrat with a regular work time. It started bothering me to stay in the office eight hours a day and communicate with the same people. There was a time for change and opened position for driver in Eko taxi was a sign that it was the job I wanted.
Working as a taxi driver
It sounds unbelievable, but I had the best experiences by driving on May 1st, on a famous Labour Day. While everyone is resting and preparing barbecues, I'm in the car, driving people to their desired destinations. Basically on Bundek, Jarun and surrounding parks. They can be relieved and don’t have to worry about going somewhere or returning home, and I meet interesting people and hear their interesting stories. The atmosphere is relaxed, and in the end my passengers really want to treat me with grilled meat or cake. Last year, two girls really did bring me a cake because I drove them to Bundek, and later drove them back home. These are the things that make this job special.
It’s great to be able to “drive your office” and being able to meet new people and hear something interesting. And this year, I’m also looking forward to work on Labour Day because, unlike those of everyday and busy rides, those on Labour Day are especially interesting and pleasant.