U Eko taxiju u Splitu radim tek tri mjeseca, ali već sam se od samog početka uvjerila da je moj izbor novog zanimanja bio odličan. Iako sa svojim kolegicama činim manjinu, svejedno nas je najviše od svih gradova u kojima Eko taxi posluje – nas čak četiri. Ostale kolege nas drže kao kap vode na dlanu i smatramo se ravnopravnima s muškarcima. Dapače, nikad nisam smatrala da je taksiranje muški posao, a posebno ga tako ne doživljavam otkad sam i sama taksistica.
Možda zvuči kao klišej, ali za mene vožnja taksija predstavlja izvrsnu priliku za stjecanje novih iskustava i upoznavanje različitih ljudi. Posao je dinamičan i stalno sam u pokretu, što meni jako odgovara, s obzirom da već 25 godina aktivno vozim. Divno je živjeti od posla koji voliš i u kojem uživaš, a ja sam se definitivno u ovom poslu pronašla.
Žena za volanom – turistima normalno, domaćima neobično
Moram priznati da je domaćim ljudima drago vidjeti ženu taksisticu, iako su u početku pomalo nepovjerljivi. Ono što sam još primijetila je da će druge žene, ako nas vide za volanom taksija, prije odlučiti sjesti u taksi upravo kod mojih ostalih kolegica ili mene. Često nas ispituju kako smo se odlučile za ovaj posao i je li nam teško, ali mi smo vrlo zadovoljne uvjetima i nije nam ništa teže nego muškim kolegama.
Turistima su, s druge strane, taksistice sasvim uobičajena pojava i nismo im atrakcija, nego samo osobe koje pošteno zarađuju svoju plaću. Pričamo o drugim stvarima, a ono što me uglavnom pitaju su pitanja vezana uz povijest grada, najbolje kafiće i restorane i turističke lokacije.
Uživanje u benefitima vozačica
Dio mog posla su i benefiti koje vozačice Eko taxija imaju i u kojima stopostotno uživam! Primjerice, prva povlastica koju sam i sama iskusila bio je slobodan za sve vozačice povodom Međunarodnog dana žena. Još jedna prednost je što žene ne voze noćne smjene, tako da se uvijek osjećamo sigurno.
Lijepo je što poslodavci misle na takve stvari i što nas razvesele različitim znakovima pažnje i poštovanja. Zato poručujem svim ženama koje se možda još uvijek premišljaju da više ne dvoje i da se prijave za posao vozačice. Također, sve žene koje dosad nisu razmotrile mogućnost vožnje za Eko taxi jer su to smatrale poslom isključivo namijenjenom muškarcima, ohrabrujem da se pridruže našem timu.
I have been working for Eko Taxi in Split for only three months, but from the beggining I have been convinced that my choice of new profession was excellent. Although I make a minority with my colleagues, we are still the most woman drivers of all the cities in which the Eko taxi operates - four of us. Other colleagues hold us like drops of water on their palms and we are considered equal to men. Nevertheless, I never thought that driving taxi was a male job, especially now when I'm a taxi driver myself.
It may sound like a cliché, but for me driving taxi is an excellent opportunity for gaining new experiences and getting to know different people. Business is dynamic and I'm constantly on the move, which suits me well since I've been driving for 25 years. It's wonderful to have the job you love and enjoy, and I've definitely found that in this business.
Woman as a taxi driver – for tourists very normal, but for domestic passengers still quite unusual
I have to admit that domestic passengers are delighted to see a woman taxi driver, although they were distrustful at first. What I've noticed is that other women, if they see us driving the taxi, will rather decide to sit in the cab with my colleagues or myself. They often question us how we have decided for this job and whether it is difficult for us, but we are very satisfied with the conditions and it is no harder for us than for our male colleagues.
For tourists on the other hand, we are not an attraction, just an employees that earn fairly for their salaries. We talk about other things, and what I'm mainly asked are issues related to the history of the city, the best cafes and restaurants and tourist locations.
Enjoying the benefits of driving taxi
Part of my job are benefits that have all Eko taxi employees and I enjoy them for 100%! For example, the first benefit I experienced was free day for all woman drivers for the International Women's Day. Another advantage is that women do not ride night shifts, so we always feel safe.
It is nice that employers think of such things and that they gladden us by various signs of attention and respect. That is why I urge to all women who may still be thinking about applying for the driver's job to apply. Also, all women who so far have not considered the possibility of driving for Eko Taxi because they consider this job exclusively for men, I encourage them to join our team.